
Kino 3D sprzed 17 tys. lat?

Od malowideł w Akwitanii do mikroprocesorów. Historia człowieka to tysiące lat dążenia do zrozumienia, opisania i okiełznania otaczającego nas świata. Często sięgamy do historii - nawet bardzo odległej - żeby zrozumieć i opisać teraźniejszość. W kolegium „Artes Liberales” dowiesz się, co mają ze sobą wspólnego iPad oraz grecka wątroba ofiarna czy malowidła z prehistorycznych grot z kinem 3D. Zapraszamy.

Second-cycle (MA) studies

The artes liberales second-cycle studies are a unique course at the University of Warsaw. They are not locked into a single discipline but aim to teach and develop interdisciplinary knowledge from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The course offers students extensive opportunities: from art history classes to courses in programming.

Students can largely adjust their curriculum to their interests. Combining different disciplines of learning and developing the ability to take a critical approach to existing patterns, an artes liberales course prepares students for a rapidly changing labor market. It helps graduates tackle ever new challenges in their professional lives and take an active part in social life.

In the artes liberales second-cycle studies, students are enrolled in one of five specializations >>.