
Kino 3D sprzed 17 tys. lat?

Od malowideł w Akwitanii do mikroprocesorów. Historia człowieka to tysiące lat dążenia do zrozumienia, opisania i okiełznania otaczającego nas świata. Często sięgamy do historii - nawet bardzo odległej - żeby zrozumieć i opisać teraźniejszość. W kolegium „Artes Liberales” dowiesz się, co mają ze sobą wspólnego iPad oraz grecka wątroba ofiarna czy malowidła z prehistorycznych grot z kinem 3D. Zapraszamy.

First-cycle (BA) studies

The Collegium Artes Liberales is a very special place. It is the right place for you if you want to develop in many different directions – in the humanities and social sciences as well as the natural sciences. If you have the ambition to broaden your horizons – if you often ask “why?” – our courses are your best choice.

The Collegium Artes Liberales offers classes that restore the memory of affinities between different areas of learning, combining thinking with artistic activity and fostering the comprehensive – individual and civic – development of students.

The first-cycle studies curriculum responds to fundamental problems of contemporary Polish, European and global reality, which we have decided to call “core challenges.” Within each one, we propose a diverse range of classes taught by specialists from many fields and disciplines of learning. These challenges need careful identification and description with the help of different interdisciplinary methods, techniques and tools – this is what guides us when building the curriculum of first-cycle studies.


Core challenges >>